Advantages of Plain Text Document Assembly

There are several advantages to our plain text approach to document assembly. Here are a few:

The learning curve is much shallower. While there is syntax with which you must become familiar, it is minimal and easy to learn. Pathagoras approach is undeniably simpler than the kind of field coding or setup required by others.

Because it is 'all Word, all the time', you don't have to worry about [Client Name LIKE THIS] signals the other programs demand. Instead of the additional coding, just directly make variable look like how you want it to appear in the document.  [CLIENT NAME] at the top (because you want the client's name spelled out in ALL CAPS) and [Client Name] in the body (because you want in Upper Lower case style) is just fine.

The initial and the final 'coding' is facial. If your Pathagorized document does not process correctly, you can 'see' on the face of the document what went wrong. You do not have to consult the remote tables or ancillary files (where ever they may be) to edit the fields, convert and then reconvert the source text.

Because it is 'all Word, all the time', if something goes wrong, you can simply press the Undo button on the assembled document. This lets you step backwards through what Pathagoras did in assembling the document. This makes it very easy to uncover (albeit in reverse) what happened to your markups so you can correct the original if needed.

'Plain text' means that you can 'Pathagorize' your source documents using a computer on which Pathagoras has not been installed! (Of course, to test your work, you will need a computer on which Pathagoras has been installed.)

Any commercial document, document that you find on-line, or document that you pick up at a continuing professional education class, that presents variables within brackets is automatically a Pathagorized document.

Perhaps most importantly, if you happen not to have the identical job in the office one year (or 10 years) from now, your successor has a fighting chance of figuring out what you have done.



Pathagoras does not require you to abandon your current files or file structure. Pathagoras adapts to the methods that you currently use to store and retrieve documents. Your current folder(s) of forms can remain intact. Each can be used as a Pathagoras 'book' without any special configuration, programming or changes.

There is no pre-packaged text that limits you in your document production. (However, if you already have forms on your computer in which variables are noted between square brackets, those forms are already 'automated documents' as far as Pathagoras is concerned. No further editing is needed.)

Pathagoras self-generates the data input forms it needs to feed its database. You do not have to spend any time composing data intake sheets.

Pathagoras self-generates its interviews for the selection of 'optional' and 'multiple-choice' text blocks. There are no complex forms that you have to create, and no complex formulas that you must write to link conditions to results.

Pathagoras' 'plain text' structure means that content travels unencumbered by fields and links, tables or anchor documents. There are no existential built-in references to external resources, collateral files or indexes. Nothing has to be connected or disconnected for it to work. All content is freely transportable from one document to another and from one procbsgram to another. It is as universal as it gets. It means you can have community shared data, or data that is saved on a single user computer, or multiple data that is shared by members of Group A and another data set that is shared by Group B. C, etc.


All references to "Word" refer to Microsoft® Word, a product of the Microsoft® Corporation.