As the previous examples suggested, you can use *Aliases* in a variety of ways. Just use the proper enclosure to signal Pathagoras what you intend.

   *Alias* in a Variable:

   If you wish the *List* to be completed by the end user after the document has been assembled and as it is being personalized (i.e., when the user presses <Alt-D>), present it as a variable:


   *Alias* in a robust Options command:

   If you wish the *List* to be processed as the document is being assembled, present it as Options text. Here, the *List* is "states"

  <<*Options**States*>>. (The doubling up of the asterisks is correct. The first asterisk closes the Options command. The second asterisk opens the *alias* call.)

  *Alias* in a simple options call:

   For simple options, just use curly braces (don't forget the asterisks): {*states*}

   Use an *Alias* in different locations to represent different values:

   If your document uses the same variable in several different contexts, you can use the same *Alias*. Just make the varialbe 'unique.' That can be easy to do for a simple variable. Just append a number or other character at the end. E.g., "[*List*1]", "[*List*2]", "[*List*3]" etc. Below, we use '*States*' twice, yet have a unique variable assigned for each 'leg of the trip.'    

 Travels ‘R’ Us is pleased to advise you that we have completed the itinerary for your summer vacation. On the first leg of your trip, we have scheduled you to visit the great state of [*States*1].

  You will stay there for the first week and enjoy all the beauty this state has to offer. Then, you will travel to [*States*2] where you will enjoy the magnificent sites that this incredible state has to offer. We hope that you enjoy your trip.

   Can I use !Groups! with *Aliases*?

    Absolutely.This is the most powerful way to pair up a name with an address and with a phone number, or any other kind of association you can think of. Just precede each list that you want 'grouped' with a !groupname!. Make sure that (1) there is an identical number of options in each list and (2) that 'complementary' selections are in the same relative positions in each List.


[!atty!*Attorney Name*]

[!atty!*Attorney Bar Number*]

[!atty!*Attorney Direct Line*]

[!atty!*Attorney E-Mail*]



We have provided a few pages below a more elaborate example of *Aliases* and !Groups!. Click here to go directly to that page.

   Can I cascade *Aliases*?

 Yes. *Aliases* can be nested/cascaded to 2 levels for Options, 1 level (currently) for variables. See Cascading *Aliases*.

   Display *Aliases* in a DropDown List

 Want to be able to instantly click in a value contained in a List? Keep the List in an always-on, always active DropDown List. Click this link for more information.