Pathagoras lets you export data you have gathered within your Instant Database collection into various iterations. You can export all data (or at least a major chunk of it); data in selected records containing selected variables; or all data in a selected record. You can export to a Word table which you can easily format, or to an Excel spreadsheet (for more sophisticated manipulation).
The resulting product (document or spreadsheet) can be use for any purpose, including the source data for mailing lists, for mail merges, for data analysis and the like.
The 'Header' row
Data export functions require a header row. This header row sets the specific data elements that will be exported, and where they will be placed. Picture in your mind any data table you have ever seen. All will have that header row, with the data being neatly listed in the columns beneath each individual header title. If your header row contains 'Client Name', 'Client Address', 'Client Phone', then all records which contain variable-to-values pairings with the header row elements can be discovered and reported in the appropriate column beneath the header row. So, to export data, you must designate the common variable elements among all of your records. (Keep in mind that any particular record may have dozens, even hundreds of individual element in addition to the 'Client Name', 'Client Address', etc. example I gave above. The header row limits the data export to just those elements that you want a report on.
Pathagoras allows you several approached to designating the 'header row."
•You can create a preset list of desired header variables. The action mimics that of the first bullet above. You can set (and save for reuse) these variable (currently up to 8) In addition to following the steps outlined below, you can directly access your list with these 'clicks": Instant Database (Alt-D) | Power Tools | More Tools | Export,
•If you know the names of the variables that you want to export, just type them (up to 10) seriatim across a single line in your editing screen. For example,type:
[Client Name],[Client Address],[Client City ST ZIP]
(the comma is the separator).
Pathagoras will use the above to create the column heads in the target Word table or Excel spreadsheet.
•You can choose to use the variables contained in the first record you select when those records are presented. (Note that the records from which you can select will be presented in alpha-numeric order. If your records always use the same variables, this will not be a problem. However, if your variables are not consistent, consider creating a 'dummy' record with just the fields you want. Name the dummy record something that will always appear as the first record (e.g., 'AAAA Export List')
•You can display a mask or any record. So long as variables of any source are displayed in the left column, Pathagoras will 'default' those as the desired column heads for the Word table or Excel spreadsheet.
The export process:
Click the Pathagoras Features (bottom half) button. Select the 'Instant Database' tab and then click the 'Export' tab toward the bottom of the screen.
Select the target type (Word table or Excel spreadsheet)
Select the header row elements (more on this below)
Select the IDB records you want Pathagoras to search through for values that pair up to any of the header row elements.
The resulting Word table or Excel spreadsheet will not yet be saved. Be sure to save the file to a location of your choosing.
Process #2 (same result, different approach)
Click the Pathagoras Features button (TOP HALF). Select the All Settings button:
First, click the purple All Settings button (above)
Then, click the Instant Database tab and the the Export IDB Data in the lower section
Complete the initially blank text boxes with the variables you want exported. When you change any field, a Save button will appear.
You can export Instant Database data as often as you wish, in as many configurations as you wish. One export might be for just names and address for labels or holiday letters. Other exports might be for statistical analysis (E.g., if you keep the data, how many clients have children, or how many earn over a certain income level.) Pathagoras makes it easy to collect the data. Now it makes it easy to analyze it.
Most contact records manager (CRMs), billing and practice management programs maintain their data in ways that Pathagoras (intentionally) does not. When we designed our Instant Database, we intentionally did not request or require that you pre-design a database. We let you name your variables and Pathagoras would find them, display them in the Instant Database screen, let you assign values and then would save your variables to values pairings. That way you can quickly and easily begin creating automated documents with the frustration and time consumption of learning databasing first. But the consequence is that what Pathagoras lets you do easily does not translate into what CRM's, etc., need to feed their databases. CRMs are traditionally granular (meaning that every small bit of information is saved as a separate item. Examples: While you may prefer variables like [Client Name] and [Client Address], most CRMs will need Client First Name, Client Middle Name, Client Last Name, Client Suffix, Client Street Name, Client Apartment Number, Client City, Client State, Client ZipCode, Client Country.
Modern CRMs are relational, meaning that several sub-records may be created for a particular client (multiple matters) or for a family unit. The CRM can tie them all together through various parent records and pointers. It's good stuff. It minimizes the data in any particular record, but they are very complex behind the scenes. Pathagoras and most CRMs cannot instantly communicate, but there still may be ways that they can using the above tools.