There are as many ways to structure a 'Family' clause for a Will, Trust, Property Settlement Agreement, as there are family types. Here is a compact version that accounts for single vs. married, no children vs. one child vs. multiple children. You can copy and paste the below into a document. And because it is all plain text you can edit and reformat as needed.
<<*Options(radio)*Single, No children/Single, One Child/Single, Children/Married, No children/Married, One Child/Married, Children*I am single and have no children/I am single and have one child, namely [Child Name]/I am single and have <<*Repeat(return,two)*!children!How many children?*>> children. My children’s names are <<*Repeat*!children!*[Child Name], born [Child DOB]>>./I am married and have no children. My spouse’s name is [Spouse Name]/I am married and have one child. My spouses name is [Spouse Name] and my child name is [Child Name], born [Child DOB]/I am married and have <<*Repeat(return,two)*!children!How many children?*>> children. My spouse’s name is [Spouse Name] and my children’s names are <<*Repeat*!children!*[Child Name], born [Child DOB]>>.