The Clause Selection Screen will typically display all documents in the folder or terms in the glossary that has been designated at the 'book.' You can cause the listing to be augmented or restricted in several fashions:
Prefix: on the initial Document Assembly screen (we call it the Libraries & Books screen), look for the 'Prefix' list to the left of the Next button on the expanded screen. You can keep the prefix, and the subsequent listing will show only those clauses which begin with the prefix, or you may select another prefix (do so by typing in the prefix or selecting one from the dropdown that will appear if multiple prefixes have been assigned), or you may delete the prefix (click the 'x') and show all terms in the book.
Rich Text files: The default scope of files that are listed in the Clause Selection screen are the "*.doc" and "*.docx" files in the target folder. To add Rich Text ("*.rtf") files to the display, go to the All Settings screen (Pathagoras Features | Utilities & Settings | All Settings) and click on the Document Assembly tab. Check the 'Include RTF files' box.
Shortcuts: The default scope of files that are listed in the Clause Selection screen are the "*.doc" and "*.docx" files in the target folder. To add shortcut files to the display, go to the All Settings screen (Pathagoras Features | Utilities & Settings | All Settings) and click on the Document Assembly tab. Check the 'Include Shortcuts to files' box.