Perhaps a folder already contains clauses that you have been using for document assembly. Or you have a few clauses within a folder that you wish to move into a glossary because of the known advantages of working with glossaries (power, speed, edit-ability and transportability). Pathagoras provides a simple way to add all or a portion of a folder of files into a glossary. It is very quick, and it is very simple.
1.Choose the "Conversion Tools" tab from the 'Clause Creation Tools' screen (Pathagoras Features|Authoring Editing|Clause Creation|Conversion Tools).
2.Click the "Folder to Glossary" button and follow the prompts.
3.If your clauses are already a book (as suggested in the first sentence, maybe you previously assigned a collection of documents in a folder to one of your document assembly books), choose option #1 when presented.
If you wish to create a new book/glossary 'from scratch', choose option #2. (With option #2, you can also choose whether to convert .doc, .dot, .txt, .rtf and even .wpd files into your new glossary. However, Pathagoras can convert only one type of file at a time.)
4.Follow the prompts to name the glossary and when the check-box screen displays, choose which of the files in the directory you wish to move into the glossary.
NOTE: The name of the specific document/file that is currently being moved into the glossary will be proposed as the name of the glossary clause. However, all 'bookmark naming rules' (no spaces or non-alphabetic/numerical characters) are in effect during the transfer process. Therefore, if the name of the file does not meet the bookmark naming rules, you will be prompted for a proper name. (Even in this step, Pathagoras is very helpful. Pathagoras will automatically propose a better name for you.) If you prefer to pre-name all of the clauses in a folder with appropriate 'glossary names' before you begin the conversion, use the Names & Subjects Editor
If you never assigned a subject, then the full name of the document will become its subject.
You can import Word documents, text files, 'rtf' files.
You can even convert your Word Perfect® files into a glossary!
Once the above routine is complete, you should review the content of the new glossary. Edit where appropriate, rename and duplicate clauses where needed. Just be mindful of the bookmarks when editing, and stay within them. To display the bookmarks, display the Utilities/Setting screen and click the Show Bookmarks button on the top page.
Any text outside of a bookmark is not included in any glossary call, so feel free to add explanatory text or helpful tips for you or anyone else who might later be editing the glossary.