An 'argument' in computer lingo is simply a value that is passed to a function to allow it to process the specified request.  The functions often can process the request without an argument, but when provided, the argument directs the program down a highly specific path. As used in Pathagoras, an argument is typically added in parentheses immediately after the main 'call'.

  Pathagoras uses arguments within variables to refine the return value of that variable. For example, if you have placed the variable [Date of Contract] in a document (without argument), when that variable is replaced, it will be with the exact value showing in the Instant Database screen (right column). But if you add a date argument to another instance of the variable in the document, e.g., [Date of Contract(ext)], when the variable is replaced, it will be with the 'extended' version of that date. Example [Date of Contract] might be June 15, 2024, but [Date of Contract(ext)] would be 15th days of June, 2024. And all you need to do is provide a single value for [Date of Contract], which is all that will appear in the Instant Database screen.  Pathagoras does the rest.

   Similarly, [Client Name(first)] will return just the first name of the value you provided for [Client Name].

   The following pages provide lists of, and examples for, the various arguments available for date and name  variables.