If you wish your replacement text to include a currency equivalent of the Arabic numeral, precede or follow the variable with

<$> (for just formatting to a dollar value style) or

<$$> (for both short and spelled out versions of the dollar amount).

Append 'UC' or 'lc' to direct Pathagoras to return UPPER CASE or lower case 'spelled out' value.
(E.g., [Total Cost]<<$$UC>> or [Total Cost]<<$$lc>>)

   The placement of the markers controls the placement of the 'spelled-out' value. If <$$> is placed first, the spelled out amount is the 'primary' value, and the number appears in parentheses. If <$$> is placed last, the number is the primary value, and the spelled-out value appears in parenthesis.


Document text:

The total cost of the project will be [Total Cost]<$$>.

If, when you display the IDB screen and type in 65344 beside the variable [quantity], the text will become:

The total cost of the project will be $65,344.00 (Sixty five thousand, three hundred forty-four and 00/100 Dollars).


Document text:

We are pleased to offer to perform the work for <$$>[Price Quoted].

If, when you display the IDB screen and type in 65344 beside the variable [quantity], the text will become:

We are pleased to offer to perform the work for Sixty-five thousand, three hundred forty-four and 00/100 Dollars ($65,344.00)

lightbulbsmallOptionally, can manually type the <$> or <$$> markers in the 'value' column of the Instant Database screen. The same results will occur because the markers are transferred into the document and Pathagoras processes them as if they were pre-placed.


Variable (in document and                    Replacement Text
on left side of IDB Screen) __________(right side of IDB Screen)

[Total Cost]


[Price Quoted]



The total cost of the project will be [Total Cost].

will become:

The total cost of the project will be $65,344.00 (Sixty five thousand, three hundred forty-four and 00/100 Dollars).


We are pleased to offer to perform the work for [Price Quoted]. (document text)

will become:

We are pleased to offer to perform the work for Sixty-five thousand, three hundred forty-four and 00/100 Dollars ($65,344.00)


The above examples presume that you want "00/100 Dollars" to appear when zero cents are the result. Or maybe you want "59 cents" instead of "59/100 Dollars". Maybe you don't want "Dollars" at all, because your checks come pre-printed with 'Dollars" on the spell-out line. These choices can be pre-set on the Instant Database.

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