While <<*Ask*>> commands discussed above may constitute the bulk of your Interviews, it likely will be the <<*If*>> equation that will form the backbone of the document automation process. It is the <<*If*>> equation that lets you declare comparisons and to set up your decision and branching points.
Let's say you are drafting a document that has optional text dealing with children. You want the text to be kept in the document when there are children and discarded when there are none. Let's further say that the document contains other language that you want to keep when there are minor children, but which should be discarded where there are no minors to provide for.
Using <<*AskOptional*>> commands, you might ask the question "Are there children?". If (but only if) that question is answered "Yes", you might then ask "Are there minor children?". (Of course, if there were no children, there couldn't be any minor children. Therefore the question should not be asked..)
Here is the way this sequence might appear:
<<*AskOptional*!children!Are there children?*>>
<<*If*!children!="Yes",<<*AskOptional*!minors!Are there minor children*>>,!minors!="False">>
<<*AskOptional*!children!Are there children?*>> <<*If*!children!="True",<<*AskOptional*!minors!Are there minor children*>>,!minors!="False">> |
Let's study the structure.
1. Note first that a !groupname! (in this case !children!) is used. As with other !group!, the name ties the various elements of the document together.
2. Now note the classic three-part "if . . . then" programming structure in line 2:
"If Condition, (If 'True' Action), (If 'False' Action)"
This three-part logic structure is practically universal. Simple commas are used to separate the three elements.
As applied to the example, the user first encounters the initial (Children) question. The user provides either a "True" or "False" (or 'Yes' or 'No') answer. The "If" command is encountered immediately after. Pathagoras 'measures' the value of the !Children! group, and responds accordingly. If !Children! was answered "Yes" (by checking the check-box), Pathagoras presents the prompt that appears between the first comma and the second comma. If Pathagoras sees that !Children! was not answered "Yes", it processes the information that follows the second comma. This 'logic' follows classic 'Boolean' logic, which 'reads': If (this) is true, then (do this), else (do this).
It is perfectly acceptable (sometimes) to leave the 'False' portion of the 'If' statement blank:
<<*If*!Children!="Yes",<<*AskOptional*!Minors!Are there minor children*>>,>>
See Bigger Example for more examples of the <<*If* . . .>> command.
Setting a True/False Value
Setting a 'True/False' value (<<*Optional* . . .>>):
<<*Optional* commands are processed based on simple 'true' and 'false' values of a !group!. And the group can be set via an <<*If* statement, and several examples above demonstatrat that. Here is a repeat of one:
<<*If*!Children!="Yes",<<*AskOptional*!Minors!Are there minor children*>>,!minors!="False">>
Setting a Multiple Choice value (<<*Options* . . .>>; <<*If*):
<<*Options* commands are set via the position the answer that that choice occupies in the list of options. So if your multiple choice has 5 options (e.g., Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/Orange, and you picked 'Green' (the third choice), Pathagoras would record it's value at 3. Simultaneously, Pathagoras would record the number of choices. The total groupname would be recorded as 3(5)
Setting a Numeric value (<<*Options* . . .>>; <<*Repeat*; <<*If*):
When you provide a number to a selection, Pathagoras assumes a multiple choice selection, and the position that that choice occupies in the list of options. See Setting a Multiple Choice value above. If you want to set a Numeric value that you want to remain a pure number, you must append the number sign '#' to indicate such. (The number sign is also called hashtag or pound sign, it's above the 3 on most keyboards.) Example: <<*If*MinorChildren!, !Beneficiaries!="3(#). You can also indicate a number in this fashion:"3#"
Repeats: If you need to assign a Repeat value of one GroupName to that of another, you can make that assignment with the !Group1!=!Group2! command. E.g.,
Depending upon the various assignments, if your client is the defendant, the number of repetitions of [Client Name] in the document will be equal to the number of Defendants selected at the top.
Debugging 'If's
When your 'If' statements seem not to give the expected results, check these elements:
The sequence of the 'True' and 'False' portions
The sequence of a precedent Ask commands that sets the value of the 'If' comparator.
The proper spelling of the !GroupNames!.
Is the 'False' value of the statement set? See above for discussion.
1. The <<*If* . . .>> command, and it's various parts (the 'True' part and the 'False' part and its mandatory structural elements) is definitely 'programming language. Therefore, If's will be use only within the Ask table portion of a document where programming is allowed.
2. Pathagoras is programmed to stop at an <<*If* . . .>> command if the !group! value it is comparing has not yet been set. It assumes (correctly) that you will set the !group! value while processing the previous steps. (That is, the required value is being asked in one of the preceding <<*Asks*>> or is being set by an analysis of a preceding <<*If* . . .>>. Only when the precedent value is assigned will Pathagoras continue. You can also break processing until the !Groupname! is set using the <<*Break*>> command. (Caveat: If the <<*If* . . .>> line is comprised of multiple comparators (i.e. <<*If* this AND that . . >>, Pathagoras only checks for the existence of the first comparator. You should use <<*Break*>> when using multiple comparators in most cases.
3. When a number represents a position in a list, it is enclosed in quotes. When the number represents an actual ('hard') value (i.e., 5 means 5 pets in the above examples), it is not enclosed in quotes.
4. You can set multiple resulting values with the <<*If* . . .>> command. Simply separate each item with the pipe ('|') character. E.g.
<<*If*!Type of Deed!="2",!QuitClaim!="True"|!Warranty!="False",!QuitClaim="False"|!Warranty!="True">>
(The comma (in red) still separates the 'if true' and 'if false' parts of the master equation. The pipe tells Pathagoras to split the true and the false parts into multiple actions.
5. You can set multiple groupnames to the same value within the <<*If*>> command. List them within the same ! and ! boundaries. E.g.,
<<*If*!Type of Deed!="3",!Warranty!="True"|!Quit Claim,Special Warranty,No Warranty!="False",>>
5. The '<<*If command can accept the following arguments:
(any)--<<*If*(any)!*Type Of Deed!="1,3,4,6",!Title Search Done!="True",!Title Search Done!="False>>
(all)-- <<*If*(all)*!Selection!="3,4,6,9,10",!Vegan!="True",!Vegan!="False">>
(not)--<<If*(not)*!States!="1,7",!Continental Tour Only!="True",!Continental Tour Only!="False">>
6. The comparitor must be enclosed in double quotation marks, whether a 'noun' or a 'number' or a 'boolean value'.
<<*If*!fruit!="apple", . . .
<<*If*!number of apples!>"5", . . .
<<*If*!fruit salad!="True", . . .
(Don't worry about 'straight' quotes vs. 'curly' quotes. Pathagoras will make the conversion.
See next page for more examples.
*If* logic can be tough stuff. If you are nesting equations, adding multiple comparators and augmenting the equations with arguments and lists of possibilities, it will take you some time to get it all right. There is no question that this is ''programming.' But this programming is always and clearly visible on the face of your document. Therefore, it is easy to edit, And with practice, it gets easier to read and explain. Don't get frustrated. Keep on trying. When testing, don't test on the entire document. Break out the relevant sections and put them in a new document for testing. When its working as expected, then move it back into your main document for 'full' testing. |