Negative Optional (/NEGOPT)

   By definition, 'Optional text' is ‘keep it’ or ‘delete it’ only. If the answer to the keep this text is 'Yes', 'True' or 'Keep', the entire block is preserved. If 'No', 'False' or 'Delete' the block is deleted.

    However, there often is a need to delete the 'yes' choice but allow other text in the document (that reflects the 'no' or 'false' choice) to remain. '/NEGOPT' fills that need.

   To enable the negative optional, just add '/NEGOPT' and some 'alternative' text immediately after the 'if true' text, and before the closing >>. Don't add a space after /NEGOPT. Treat it like a slash. (Red color for emphasis only. No coloring is required. CAPS, however, are mandatory.)

   If value of the optional block is True, the text before the /NEGOPT is kept and the text after (and including) the /NEGOPT is deleted; if false, the text after the /NEGOPT is kept, and the 'true' part is deleted.


<<*Optional*!Apples!*An apple a day keeps the doctor away./NEGOPTThose wormy apples didn’t keep my doctor away.>>

<<*Optional*!Bananas!*My doctors tells me that bananas are the perfect fruit./NEGOPTYes, I have no bananas.>>

<<*Optional*!Cherries!*Please top my [sundae/milkshake] with a cherry./NEGOPTI don’t want any cherries. They have pits.>>


   It works with 'simple options' as well:

{!Apples!An apple a day keeps the doctor away./NEGOPTThose wormy apples didn’t keep my doctor away.}

{!Bananas!My doctors tells me that bananas are the perfect fruit./NEGOPTYes, I have no bananas.}

{!Cherries!Please top my [sundae/milkshake] with a cherry./NEGOPTI don’t want any cherries. They have pits.}


   And it works with 'color coded optional text':

An apple a day keeps the doctor away./NEGOPTThose wormy apples didn’t keep my doctor away.

My doctors tells me that bananas are the perfect fruit./NEGOPTYes, I have no bananas.

Please top my [sundae/milkshake] with a cherry./NEGOPTI don’t want any cherries. They have pits.


What if the 'positive' answer should be blank and the 'negative' answer is the one that should contain text?


    Not a problem. A 'Negative Optional' text block can be used to provide just the negative text in the appropriate circumstance. Just leave a blank (a simple slash) for the 'positive' option..



<<*AskOptional*!YesChildren!Does client have children?*>>


         (further in document)


<<*Optional*!YesChildren!My children's names are [Names of Children].>>


<<*Optional*!YesChildren!*/NEGOPTIf I should subsequent to this writing, have children, >>I bequeath my estate to my children in equal shares.


NOTE: Except for the 'color coded optional test' example above, the colors in the sample text snippets are for emphasis and illustration only. No coloring is required for any 'coding' of Pathagoras commands.