Pathagoras tools allow tremendous flexibility to recall text, navigate your system, or to perform desired actions (macros) that Pathagoras offers. And it only takes a single word to do so. These are the three distinct aspect of Pathagoras that you can trigger with a single word. And the words are your words, not ours.

Document Calls: Type a word (or words) reflecting the name of a document. Just the document name is needed. No folder or extension required. Then press the trigger-key <Alt-G> (for 'g'et)

If the 'word' is the name of an actual document,Pathagoras will hunt down the document  in one of up to 20 locations (DropDown Lists, current library settings, your ‘super’ folders and sub-folders; and recently used folders ). Even if the document is located in the last location searched, the recall speed is less than a second.)

If the word is not an actual document name, but you want to be able to call it with a nickname (perhaps POA for "Power of Attorney, General, Durable, v. 5-22-20.docx"), just type the nickname you want to use to the editing screen and press <Alt-G>. Assuming the nickname is not already assigned as a document, folder or call to action, Pathagoras will ask for guidance. Choose that you want to 'Assign the term to a document.' Following the prompts, navigate to that document and Pathagoras locks in your request.

From then on, you can display the document (actually a copy of it) by typing the nickname and pressing <Alt-G>.

If the document called contains conditional text blocks or a Pathagoras Interview, those actions will also be triggered. One word can do do much!.

AND BY DOCUMENT, we mean a document, an image, a spreadsheet entry, a term in a Pathagoras glossary, a PDF file. . . just about anything Word can insert, so can Pathagoras with this feature. Only much, much faster.

Folder Calls: Type a word (let's say 'client') that you have assigned to (let's say your folder that contains your client documents) and the trigger-key. Pathagoras instantly navigates to and displays that folder. No navigation!. We call this a Quick Link to a folder.  

So, all you need to do is think of a common word that you want to use to identify a folder ('clients' is a good one, but so is 'volunteer activities' and 'personal' and 'Olivia' -- which points to the target folder containing pictures of my granddaughter). To get a list of sub-folders within the target folder, try something like 'clients/bar' and the trigger key and Pathagoras will provide a list of just the subfolder starting with bar (Barber, Barrett, Barton, etc.) to narrow your search. This tool is described in more detail on this page.

Action Calls: Pathagoras lets you type a large variety of simple, intuitive, keywords (such a 'meeting' to start a help session, or 'last' to call up your last edited document) and, upon the press of <Alt-G>. Pathagoras will perform the requested action. Here is that list.   BUT if you don't like our words, you can assign your own to perform the same function. To set that up, simply type a word that you want to use to call a Pathagoras action. Press Alt-G. Assuming Pathagoras does not recognize that word as a document, folder or call to action, it will ask what you want to do with that word (similar to the above bullet points). Choose 'Pathagoras action' and assign your word to a Pathagoras action shown in the list (If the action you want to assign is not in the list, write to us. We'll add it for you.)

   Pathagoras has expanded its popular 'plain text' underpinnings with these exclusive additions. (Some might say this is little different from Word's Quick Parts or text called from ubiquitous text expanders. But the comparison is flawed. Text expanders only call items from their proprietary, compiled, dictionaries. And have you ever tried to edit a Quick Part? Pathagoras' document calls are calling actual and fully formatted documents (ones you can easily access and edit)

   Our goal is to improve every other aspects of office automation -- one word at a time.