Repeat Arguments ('and', 'or', default #)

   In the previous examples, the text was repeated 'intact ' with no embellishment except the incremented variables.

   However, you may wish your 'repeated' text to appear in the final version of your document in a 'series' or 'prose' style display, with commas and a conjunction in the appropriate location , e.g., "[child@1], [child@2], [child@3]  and [child@4]".

   To accomplish this, you will want to add a 'series' argument to the <<*Repeat*>> prompt.

   There are only two possible series arguments: "(and)" and "("or"). Just type the desired argument  "(and)" or "(or)" immediately after the '<<*Repeat" keyword and before the closing '*'. (Note: no space between 'Repeat' and the argument.)


No series argument:  

      Result, if "3" repeats chosen:

[ChildName@1] [ChildName@2] [ChildName@3]

With a series argument:

      Result, if "3" repeats chosen (note that adding commas is automatic with series argument):

[ChildName@1],  [ChildName@2] and [ChildName@3]

With a series argument and a groupname (third '*' is needed to close the administrative text):
  <<*Repeat(and)*!NumChildren!*[ChildName], [ChildDOB]>>

        and the same variable(s) elsewhere in document:


  Result, if "3" repeats chosen:

[ChildName@1], [ChildDOB@1], [ChildName@2], [ChildDOB@2], and [ChildName@3], [ChildDOB@3],

      and elsewhere in document:

   [ChildName@1], [ChildName@2] and [ChildName@3]

informationNote: With series arguments, not only is the conjunction 'and' or 'or' added, but the appropriate commas separating the initial elements in the listing are added.)

Connector punctuation:

   If you want to specify the punctuation between elements, you can specify it as part of the the 'and' or 'or' argument. E.g.,

<<*Repeat(and;)*!NumChildren!*[ChildName], [ChildDOB]>>

    Result, if "4" repeats chosen:

   [ChildName@1], [ChildDOB@1]; [ChildName@2], [ChildDOB@2]; [ChildName@3], [ChildDOB@3] and [ChildName@4], [ChildDOB@4]

informationNote2:: You could also add a ';' (or other punctuation) after the repeating block of text, but that would cause the ';' to appear after the final repetition, something you may not desire.

informationNote3: Local language settings. The Final 'And'/'Or' routine can be adapted to almost any language. Just make sure you have inserted the appropriate 'And' and 'Or' words in the Local Settings screen accessible from the Repeat screen. In the command section, 'and' and 'or are still used. Pathagoras will make the appropriate replacement when the repeats are made.