Returning the 'repeat' value. The above examples capture the number of requested repeats, but do not 'return' that value (i.e, '1' , '2' ,'three', etc.) to the editing screen. If you want to 'return' a value to your editing screen at the same time you make your selection, add the word 'return' in the administrative section of the 'Return' prompt (just after the Repeat command along with the 'style' of the returned number (numeral or spelled out.)
Examples (combining !groups! and 'returns'):
•The "1" (or any other 1 or 2 digit number) after the second "*" tells Pathagoras to return the Arabic numeral;
•The "one" (or any other number) tells Pathagoras to return a "spelled out" number.
•The "one(1)" tells Pathagoras to return the number in this style: (1)
•Whatever Arabic number you provide becomes the 'default' value when the 'how many' question is asked.
•The command is closed with a final '*' to indicate the close of the administrative text.
More examples:
<<*Repeat(return,one)*!shareholders!*>> individuals own stock in the corporation: <<*Repeat*!shareholders!*Name: [ShareholderName] Shares Owned: [SharesOwned] >> The shareholders waive notification of the upcoming annual meeting as evidenced by their signatures below: <<*Repeat*!shareholders!*_________________ [ShareholderName] >> |
Here the result if the answer to "How many shareholders? is 3:
Three individuals own stock in the corporation: Name: [ShareholderName@1] SharesOwned: [SharesOwned@1] Name: [ShareholderName@2] SharesOwned: [SharesOwned@2] Name: [ShareholderName@3] SharesOwned: [SharesOwned@3]
The shareholders waive notification of the upcoming annual meeting as evidenced by their signatures below: _________________ [ShareholderName@1] _________________ [ShareholderName@2] _________________ [ShareholderName@3]
Another Example:
Children (the repeat 'groupname' is "!cdn!")
Minor Children of the Parties <<*Options*No Children/One Child/2+ Children* Husband and Wife have no minor children from the marriage./ There is one minor child of the parties: [Child1 Name], born [Child1 Birth Date]./ There are <<*Repeat(return,two)*!cdn!*>> minor children of the parties: <<*Repeat*!cdn!*[ChildName], born [ChildBirthDate]>> >> |
Here is the result of the answer to "How many children? is '4':
Minor Children of the Parties There are four minor children of the parties: [ChildName_1], born [ChildBirth Date_1] [ChildName_2], born [ChildBirth Date_2] [ChildName_3], born [ChildBirth Date_3] [ChildName_4], born [ChildBirth Date_4] |
If a value has previously been assigned to a !groupname! for a Repeat, you can return the spelled out value by simply enclosing the !groupname! within double angle brackets. E.g., from the above examples, <<!shareholders!>> and <<!cdn!>>.