After you have composed a document, you will need to save it to its proper place. You can use the standard Word ‘Save’ icon on the menu bar as you no doubt have done up until now. We highly recommend that you try SaveSmart. You can use SaveSmart to quickly save the on-screen document to the designated SmartPath without having to navigate to the location. The time you save will be worth the little bit of time needed to master the system.
To activate the SaveSmart features, simply click the ‘disk’ icon in the Pathagoras toolbar.
The Pathagoras toolbar
The SaveSmart Screen
Screen 'Geography' (details in subsequent sections):
•Name of document to be saved: This is the 'enter information' line where you provide (optionally) the SmartPath to where you want to save the document and the name of the document you wish to save. Note the changes to the grey textbox near the bottom of the screen as you type or change the SmartPath.
•'Save/Copy' is the default screen action. It saves the document to the location noted in the grey textbox near the bottom of the screen.
•'Move' means copy the document to a selected new location, and then delete the original. (Displays only when the active document is an existing, i.e., previously saved, document.)
•'SaveAs' displays the selected SmartPath folder, allowing you to navigate (or just look at the files that are already there to help you to decide upon a name).
•'MoveAs' displays the selected SmartSmartPath folder, allowing you to navigate (or just look at the files that are already there to help you to decide upon a name). After the Save, the original document is deleted. (Displays only when the active document is an existing document.
•'Delete' allows you to delete the current document from your system. A warning is provided.
•The panel at the right displays the number and the assigned 'nicknames' of the SmartPaths in the profile shown at the top right of the screen. The bottom most entry ("13: Super Folder") will display once you have assigned such a folder. See Super Folder.
•Current Save to Folder: This line is informational. It reflects the folder into which the underlying document will be saved if you do not click in a SmartPath from the panel at the right. The box takes on a values dependent upon two scenarios
➢If the open document is a previously saved document, the path to the document is the "Current Save To" path.
➢If the current document is an unsaved, unnamed document (i.e., carries a temp name of Document1, 2, 3 etc.), the value reflects the default SmartPath assignment (as shown by a tilde '~' to the right of the name in the SmartPath list). If there is no default (i.e., no tilde), then the Current Save To path will the default document path set in your Word settings.
•Full Name of Document to be saved. Hopefully this is self-explanatory.
•The More>> button provides additional tools for identifying and processing your documents. The More>> options will be discussed in greater detail in a subsequent section.
•Draft Watermark: If checked, upon a Save, imprints a "Draft" watermark across the face of the first page of the document. If unchecked, removes the Draft watermark, if present.
•Copy Name/Copy Path/Open Folder: Oftentimes you want to know where the open document is saved. Oftentimes you want to open the folder of the current document, but Word's default file open folder is not that of the current document. Whenever you need to know this information, or go to the current document's folder, open SaveSmart and use one of the buttons.
Click the button in the menu bar to read more about using the SaveSmart screen.