New Computer or adding new users.


   The below assumes you have installed Pathagoras on your new computer. If you have not, and if you are up-to-date with your annual support Agreement (or if you want to renew it right now) click this link. (You will need your Serial Number assigned at the time you purchased Pathagoras. If you do not have your Serial Number, write to us at

   I just bought a new computer. I have a Pathagoras license that is currently being used on my older computer. I want to transfer Pathagoras and its attendant files onto my new computer.

 1. First, can I transfer my license from one computer to the other?

Yes. Licenses within the same organization are freely transferable.

A.If your Annual Support Agreement is up to date, go to this CheckStatus link to download the latest version. (If your Annual Support Agreement is not up-to-date but wish to renew the Agreement, use the same link. You will be offered the opportunity to renew and then download.)

B.If you do not wish to upgrade the ASA, you still have full rights to transfer your existing license to the new computer. Here is how:

1)locate the latest version of the Pathagoras installer on your old computer. The install file is typically located at
   "c:\program files(x86)\Pathagoras\Install\Pathagoras Setup.exe"

 (If you have a version of Pathagoras greater than 5 years old, we strongly recommend getting the latest version.)

2)Copy Pathagoras Setup.exe onto a thumb drive.

3)Slide the thumb drive into the new computer. You can copy the installer onto the new computer, or just run the installer from the thumb drive. You will need your Serial Number.

4)Uninstall Pathagoras from the old computer so as to not violate your licensing terms.

 2. Secondly, what files should I transfer to restore as much of my old system as possible to my new system?

Keep this concept in mind. Pathagoras doesn't own any of your files. It only points to them.
Therefore, if Pathagoras is not behaving as you think it should, the invariable reason is that something is not pointing to where it should.

A.Your 'administrative files:

Administrative files are used to give your specific install and subsequent tweaks of Pathagoras its unique character for your office needs. The administrative files are typically located at "c:\program files (x86)\Pathagoras", although they may also be in the "c:\program files\Pathagoras" (without that '(x86)')

1)Using a thumb drive, copy the entire contents of the old 'Pathagoras' folder (including the folder itself). This folder contains most of your setup files needed to run Pathagoras. including your Profiles, your Libraries and Books and your DropDown Lists.

2)On the new computer,replace the Pathagoras folder in the new system with the copied Pathagoras folder. (DO NOT PASTE IT INTO THE PATHAGORAS FOLDER. You need to fully replace it.) Alternatively, delete the Pathagoras folder on the new computer and then paste the Pathagoras folder from the old computer into that 'space'.

3)If,you have a network installation, and if (or the administrator) previously had set a Mirror folder, ignore all the above. Simply point Pathagoras to the Mirror folder following the steps in above link..

B.Your forms, templates and other bespoke content.

If you stored your form documents 'locally', simply copy and paste those form documents into the same relative location on your new computer. If you you are cleaning house and changing locations and references to your form documents, then make sure that you follow the checklist on other pages to repoint the books in your various libraries and DropDown Lists to the new locations. (This is not hard. It merely increases the number of steps you need to make the conversion complete.)

If your source text is stored on your network server or in the cloud, the above step can be ignored. However, if you change the way you refer to your network drive ('z:\' instead of 'n:\', or '\\network drive' instead of 'q:\'), make sure that you repoint the books in your various libraries and DropDown Lists to the new locations.

C.Instant Database and *Alias* Lists

These can be set via the Mirror Folder process above. But if they are still not set as you wish, you can re-set the pointer to the Instant Database records by following the instructions at this page.

Similarly, *Alias Lists*. If not pointed corrected, follow the instruction at this page.

c. The 'Checklist'. Check the next page for a handy Upgrading Checklist to make sure things are properly replicated from the old to the new.
