FAQs about "Pathagorize Me"
What can you do for me?
We know that the concept of document assembly is exciting. We know that a well designed system will save you time and will save you money. We have tried to make the process of document preparation and system design as easy and intuitive as possible so that you can begin saving time and money as soon as possible.
Despite our best efforts in this regard, neutering text can be a tedious and time consuming process. Many of our customers tell us that 'Pathagorizing' text is frequently delayed 'until I have more time.' So, the vicious and paradoxical cycle of 'I have no time to save time' is well in play.
We can take some of this off your shoulders. We can 'Pathagorize' your documents for you. Here is what we offer:
We will create variables at strategic locations in your documents which will serve as 'holders' for personal information. '[Client Name]' [Client Address], etc.
We will add groupings for pronouns that change based on circumstances, such as sex of the actor, or other statuses. (That way, 'she' in one section invokes 'her' or 'hers' in another section of the document.)
At your request, we will dis-assemble your document into its component parts and assign (again if you so request) a prefix/suffix style name to each component. This technique allows you to experience true 'paragraph assembly' and the ability to call in a clause simply by typing its name to the screen. (While the clause may have a cryptic 'prefix/suffix' style name, you never lose the ability to discern its true nature -- that will be stored in the document's 'subject.')
At your request, and with your direction, we will add Options and Optional text blocks so that during a document assembly process, you can tell Pathagoras which text elements you want to keep and which one you want to delete.
We can deliver a turn-key system, ready to use as soon as you download it and assign it to a book or a DropDown List. (Of course, your review and some minor post-installation tweaking would be in order, but compared to starting from scratch, this is minor. But you do have to make sure that the documents assembly in the way, and with the choices, you expected.)
What are the benefits?
Here are a couple of tangible
You begin
saving time immediately.
Our customers typically delay
implementing the program until they have time to
'Pathagorize' their documents
themselves. They sometimes never get around to that. The
program (and the office) languishes with the same document
production issues that led them to purchase a document assembly
program like Pathagoras in the first place.
You begin saving money
If you accept the equivalency that time equals money, you start
saving both as soon as you put your Pathagorized documents into
use. (The converse of this is that any delay in implementing
with one system using us will motivate you and your staff to do
more on your own.
Once you see how
uncomplicated 'Pathagorized' documents are, and that they are
not some
'other worldly, impossible to code, impossible to understand'
collection of fields and scary content that lingers in the
background or resides in ancillary documents, you will say to yourself "I can do that!"
You can, and you should, but a little 'kick start' using us may be in
No office disruptions while
systems are being created.
While we are 'Pathagorizing' on our
end, you keep your mind and your staff focused on the urgent projects that
have prevented you from Pathagorizing your systems in the first
In the long run, using our services to create
one or more of your systems may be much less expensive than
'Pathagorizing' your documents in-office. This refers both to
out of pocket costs and to the costs of office disruptions.
Can I get an estimate before you
begin work?
Of course, and we always try to meet the estimate. If,
however, after we have had the opportunity to actually work on
the document, we find that the estimate was wrong, we will contact
you immediately with an adjusted estimate. At that time, you can
tell us either to stop and deliver what we have to that point, or to go
forward with the project based on the revised estimate. (You can
also ask
for your money back if you feel that we were so far off as to have
been misleading. You will find us very easy to deal with.)
What do you require up front?
We ask for 50% of the estimate as a down payment, and the balance at the time of delivery. We use PayPal® for the monetary transfers, and will send an invoice when we have agreed upon a price.
Do I have to purchase the program to take advantage of your 'Pathagorizing' service?
And actually many people have used our Pathagorizing
services while still in the middle of their 90 day trial. They are
(understandably) concerned about paying the full cost of the program
without knowing what Pathagoras can do.
So, for a cost far less
than that of the program, potential customers send us a collection of documents. We
Pathagorize them and send them back. When they have the opportunity to see document automation
their own documents on their editing screens, they are in a much better position to
evaluate the program's value.
(And when we return the documents to you, we will spend a few moments
with you using a remote assistance connection (typically GoToMeeting)
showing you how to use the documents. No charge there, either. We want
to make the process irresistible.)
What should the document I send look like?
You can send us just about anything. But the more markup and detail you provide as to who actors are and the kinds of variables you are looking for, the faster the project can be completed.
Remember, you know your documents well. However, when you send that document to us, it will be totally 'new'. Without guidance and markups, we have to study the document to determine what you want it to accomplish. The more guidance the better. E.g.,
"Just create variables for the blue text." (assuminng you colored some of your text with blue); or
"Disassemble document into clause where I have typed a "****". I have typed the name I want you to use in parentheses.) (again, assuming you have taken these steps)
"Disassemble where marked. Use prefix/suffix naming. Use 'abc' as the prefix and start at 100 with increments of 5."
Please don't 'pre-neuter' your documents into just blank lines. While we certainly understand that you don't want to send us documents with 'real' client's names in them, please replace "Real Jason Alexander" with "Fake John Doe" and "Real Corp Name" with "Fake ABC Inc." If you replace everything with "__________"), we will have to guess as to what goes in which blank, and that will take more time (and, of course, cost you more). With 'real' names (albeit 'fake' ones) we can be confident as to who the actors are.
If you want a multichoice variable in a certain spot, let us know. We will always assume a single actor or other variable, but you may really want a selection from which to choose.
Give us as many of the options as you can, whether the options are alternative words (Husband, Wife, Shareholder, Company, etc., or alternative complete paragraphs.
If you need a multiple choice pronoun, let us know. Sometimes actors can be male, female or 'they'. Tell us up front so we can start with this as our model.
To chat or to get a 'PathagorizeMe' quote, write to us using
this link:
Be sure to include your phone number and some good times to call.
You can also use the 'Ask Us Anything' chat feature in the lower right corner of this screen.
See other Services and Products we offer. Click here.
Got more questions? Don't hesitate to call or write:You are entitled to a free 90 trial of Pathagoras. No credit card is required to signed up for this trial. We recommend that you give Pathagoras a full workout during that 90 free trial period. (After all, it’s FREE!)
If you wish to purchase a license (either before, during or after a trial), and you decide that Pathagoras does not meet your needs, we will gladly refund your purchase price within 45 days of your purchase. . . . no questions asked. (Actually, we hope you will tell us why Pathagoras did not meet your needs, but that is not a condition of the refund.)