Our "YouTube" collection
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select one of the HD (high definition) versions.
Creating and Editing Documents all in ' plain text'
Creating variables It doesn't get any easier than this (4:00) (HD) It is a simple matter of surrounding words such as 'Client Name' and 'Customer Address' with square brackets. Give it a try.
See how simple it is to create your own Libraries, Books and DropDown Lists, and how to add content to each. Our customers say "I never thought anything could be this easy!" But it is, we promise.
Creating a New Library
(2:10) (HD)
A library is simply a collection of pointers to up to
10 books. Learn how to create a new library and then begin adding the
appropriate books to your collection.
Adding Book to Library
2:17) (HD)
While a component of a library, a book is a simple pointer to a
Word folder. The folder can be anywhere on your system -- even the
'cloud'. This video shows how easy it all can be.
Adding text to a Book -- It's simply 'Highlight & Add'
Have a piece of text that you want to add to one of your books? Just
highlight it and press Alt-G. Select the book to which you want to add
the text. All done.
Adding text to a Book, yet another incredibly easy approach (1:30)
If you want to quickly add the current on-screen text to one of your
books, it can be done in three steps. Watch how here.
Those incredible DropDown Lists --Create from an existing book
A DropDown Lists is the best thing since sliced bread. You can
maintain up to 10 always-on, always-active Lists of the content of any
folder. Point & Click to display any document. No more navigation.
(This comes from our original video series. The quality is not very
good, but the lesson is still valid.)
Those incredible DropDown Lists --Create 'free style' (2:09)
If you have folders of text that you have not assigned to a book, you
can still assign them to a DropDown List. Navigate once more to that
folder and never have to navigate again. (This also comes from our
original video series. Quality is not very good, but the lesson is still
Overviews of Pathagoras' Basic Features and Tools (these are older videos and they are a bit 'grainy,' but they do give you a sense of what you can expect from a 'plain text' document assembler
Libraries and Books (the essentials -- how to create them; how to use them) (46:24)
The Care and Feeding of DropDown Lists (Two clicks to any document in your system)(27:56)
Mouseless Assembly (recall documents and terms straight from your keyboard; the Names and Subjects Editor) (33:43)
The below videos are the first videos ever created for Pathagoras. They contain no audio, but are unique, and therefore preserved here, in that each presentation is highly interactive. Pause points are embedded into the video which require you to take action to move to the next section of the video. You click on appropriate 'hotspot' in order to proceed. The action is identical to the action required if you were actually using the program.
(Note: Some videos may require the user to scroll the containing page in order to see instructional text or to click 'hot spots.' Note also, that the program has evolved significantly since these original videos. Some screens will not match those of the current program. But the essential underpinnings and operations of Pathagoras -- plain text variables; no behind the scenes fields, etc.) are still the same, and you should still be able to get a good feel for the program from these videos.
Introduction :
Introduction to Pathagoras
Document Assembly:
Creating a new library
Adding a book to a library
Adding Terms to Existing Glossary
Tools for adding large quantities of text into
a glossary:
Document Management
Mapping &
Using a SmartPath
Mouseless Navigation
Additional Program Features :
You are entitled to a free 90 trial of Pathagoras. No credit card is required to signed up for this trial. We recommend that you give Pathagoras a full workout during that 90 free trial period. (After all, it’s FREE!)
If you wish to purchase a license (either before, during or after a trial), and you decide that Pathagoras does not meet your needs, we will gladly refund your purchase price within 45 days of your purchase. . . . no questions asked. (Actually, we hope you will tell us why Pathagoras did not meet your needs, but that is not a condition of the refund.)