Pathagoras allows robust connectivity with Excel spreadsheets. With this interactivity:

You can quickly and easily import variables values saved in (or collected by) Excel to complete an Instant Database screen . Click here to be taken to "Excel and the Instant Database".

Want to add tables and charts created with Excel's powerful tools into your Word documents? Just point a DropDown List to a folder containing any number of spreadsheets, and insert summary data, charts and tables to your hearts content. See "Excel and DropDown Lists.'

You can also insert 'hard coded' references to Excel tables when you know the one(s) you want. See "Importing Excel Tables"

You can assign an Excel spreadsheet as a text source for document assembly clauses. While the text is contained in a spreadsheet, that text can be used in a manner identical to how would be used if the text were contained in a Word document. Click here to read more about Excel Assembly.

And with our newest connection -- Excel Complete, you can insert all the elements needed to build a specific type of document into a spreadsheet and run a complete document assembly project with no further user intervention.. A complete spreadsheet would contain:

othe name(s) of the document(s) or individual clauses that will comprise the final product.

othe values of the conditional text decisions ('How many children', 'Are there minors', etc.) that would be called for in the document if you were manually answering questions; and

oall variable information (the names and the personal data you want assigned to each variable).

   Each of these features is explored and illustrated on the following pages of this section of the Manual.